Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Use the [Oracle] Database dammit!

Dom Brooks recently posted an article about the Dea(r)th of the Oracle RDBMS. It seemed to struck a chord.

I've written about MySQL Friday or Application Developers vs. Database Developerswhich were similar in thought; the database is a bucket.

Ultimately, my take is that application developers don't know and don't want to learn how to use a database. PL/SQL specifically, is a platform in and of itself. You can do so much in the database now that you essentially need an application only for display, to determine the row color if you will.

The usual caveat follows:
If you are building applications that are supposed to be database independent, then the logic belongs in the application. The database is a bucket.

If you are building business applications specific to Oracle though, use the damn thing. Application/web developers are then forced to work on the design and user interface, not application/transaction logic.

Easy steps to actually utilize your database:
1. Use as many constraints as humanly possible - This will reduce the amount of code you have to write and you'll have the security of knowing the data will be what you constrain it to be.
2. DEFAULT columns in table definitions - create_date or load_date can be default to SYSDATE and thus left out of any application code. I've gone so far as to use SYS_CONTEXT( 'MY_CONTEXT', 'USERID' ) as the DEFAULT value for the create_user column. That along with a NOT NULL (or CHECK) constraint, makes life that much easier.
3. Did I mention constraints? Primary Key and Foreign Key constraints are very important to maintain data integrity (ensure you have the data you expect). Don't forget to index those foreign keys.
4. Security - VPD (Virtual Private Database) or Fine Grained Access Control. No longer do you need to maintain two separate schemas (or databases), just add a column and only allow those with the value set see that data. If you are using ApEx, this is incredibly easy to do.
5. Security (Roles and Privileges) - No more table based authorization, let the database do it through roles and privileges. GRANT EXECUTE ON my_package TO some_user

That's my short list for today. Like Dom, this makes me angry. If there were some rational logic behind it, great, convince me. I haven't seen it yet though.


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself :)

  2. I agree. For all the complaining about how expensive Oracle is, you'd think that once it is actually licensed, business owners would require more than spreadsheet capability from their database investment. If the issue is that the business does want more, but development says it can't be done (presumably due to lack of knowledge), then shame on them for not looking hard enough and not seeking proper training.

    The features are there and they're wonderful--use (more than one of) them!
