Thursday, November 12, 2009

Secretary Justice

I started out as a secretary and it's come full circle now.

Tonight I was elected Secretary of the Suncoast Oracle Users Group (SOUG).

What does that mean? Well, pretty simple I think. Blog. Sum up the meetings in a fun and easy to read way to convince them that they are really missing out.

As a member of the board, I will also (eventually) push for twice monthly meetings. One more formal with the presentation format and one more casual.

We spent an hour tonight talking after the would be nice to do that in a more relaxed environment.

Fortunately, I've been writing about the group for some time, so this is just a natural extension of that. I look forward to serving.

Plus, it's another job I have that doesn't pay anything. ;)


  1. Congratulations Mr. Secretary. +1 for user groups!

  2. absolutely...I used to drive down from Gainesville (about 2 hours) just to attend a 1 hour session. I like talking to people who enjoy what they do for a living.

  3. > Secretary Justice
    Why do I have visions of some sort of 2000AD, Judge Dredd type character?

    Not using the database properly punk? Blam, blam!
