- 289 - Number of posts this year.
- 37 - September had the highest number of posts.
- 18 - February - lowest
- 24 - Average posts per month
- 76 - Number of days not covered by a post. In reality though, there were numerous occasions where I posted 2 or more times.
- 439 - Number of posts it took to get to the magical $100 mark with Google AdSense. I don't even want to do the math on that. BTW, I reached the $100 mark on December 28, 2009. Here's to perseverance.
- 94,998 - Pageviews according to Google Analytics
- 66,313 - Visits according to Google Analytics
- 465,963 - Page Requests according to my web server (GoDaddy)
- 1,015,934 - Server Requests according to my web server
Pretty Pictures
Here's a screenshot from my Google Analytics July, I hit 5,000 Visits for the first time

I'm still not real clear what happened here

That was a 2,000 visit jump. I originally thought it had to do with my shameless pining to go to OOW 09...but that was late August, early September.
And to give you an idea of the progression since I started

The 2,000 hit jump is much more dramatic in that picture.
Guest Authors
Back in July (well, technically in May), I opened up the blog to guest authors. Mainly I wanted to give people of all experiences an opportunity to try out their writing see if they would like it. I didn't exclude established bloggers though. Of the 5 who participated, 4 already had blogs and 1 had been considering it.
- Ted Simpson - Ted was first, and now owns a ORACLENERD T-Shirt! His angle is more high-level; the decisions concerning IT implentations and how to do more with less (using Oracle of course). He's written 2 articles so far
- Gary Myers - I owe Gary a T-Shirt...if he didn't live in Australia it wouldn't be so difficult, but it's like a million dollars to send it there (plus, I haven't had a steady paycheck in some time). He'll get one soon as we get back on our feet.
- Kellyn Pederson Kellyn was either contemplating or had just started her own blog, DBA Kevlar (she has the domain name too, just hasn't migrated over yet). She had a great response on the oracle-l mailing list and I asked if she'd like to write something up. I'm glad she did. She gave us UNDO Brain Damage. Yes, I owe her a shirt as well. Thankfully she's in the States and it won't cost 1 million dollars to send it.
- John Piwowar John has a T-Shirt already, but I suppose I could send him a black one. Though now that he resides in BFE, it probably costs 1 million dollars to send it there too. Not to disparage the other guest authors, but John has been killing me. Three posts in December...really 4, but I delayed that one until after the holidays. Let's not forget the 3 (4) companion pieces that he's written on his site. I consider this my own personal guide to installing the E-Business Suite, even if I haven't gotten it installed quite yet.He's also the proud father of The EBS Challenge (though he didn't know about the birth)
- Tiffany Morgan came with a writing piece, Top Ten Grammatical Errors That Make People Look Stup-Silly...., which shows up at number 22 for the year in terms of visits.
Thanks to all of you who participated...I can't say that enough.
So I hope you enjoyed 2009 as much as I did. I'm not sure how long I can keep this's a lot of work. I think it's worth it though.
Those are some nice numbers. :-)
Thanks again for the opportunity to share. Glad your EBS install efforts are getting some traction.
No worries on the T-shirt, though it would probably cost you less to send one to Vancouver than it would for me to mail one from Vancouver to, say, Toronto. Mail service is weird up here.
Hope you have a great 2010!
I'm thrilled that all my pestering worked. :)
You should feel sorry for those poor souls I've yet to torture out there.
Very cool! I have to admit, I was convinced and give total credit for finally getting me off my rear and writing a blog to Chet, but was completely surprised at the response.
I've been converted to a loyal blogger and have been very good to not mention names as to protect the innocent! Thanks Chet and good job and on a great year!! :)
You have a journalism degree for crying out loud! You should be writing all the time. :)
I'm glad you have found blogging fun. I enjoy reading your take on things...more than anything, I like to see the approach people take. Don't get me wrong, I like the technical too...but I've said for years that the biggest jump in "learning" came when Mr. Kyte began to blog.
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