File name is called migrateEUL.exe and is located in the OracleBI\server\bin directory.
It's not very difficult to run, just type in:
c:\migrateeul file.eexEasy.
To generate the eex file from Discoverer, open up the Discoverer Administrator tool and then connect to the eul you want to export.
Cancel out of the Load Wizard

Then go to File, Export and select the business areas you want to export.
You'll be prompted to name that file and then hit finish.
Running the utility will produce something like the following:
C:\Documents and Settings\chet\Desktop>migrateeul pdi_eul.eexNow on to the fun part, using that newly created RPD and making everything pretty.
Oracle BI SE - EE Migration Assistant Version
Reading Configuration File...
Error reading configuration !!! Reverting to defaults...[DONE]
Parsing EUL export file C:\Documents and Settings\chet\Desktop\eul.eex...[DONE]
Repository creation started...
Processing Business Area : Business Area 1....[DONE]
Processing Business Area : Business Area 2....[DONE]
Processing Business Area : Business Area 3....[DONE]
Processing Business Area : Business Area 4....[DONE]
Processing Business Area : Business Area 5....[DONE]
Processing Business Area : Business Area 6....[DONE]
All Business Area(s) processed
The migrated repository is saved at C:\Documents and Settings\chet\Desktop\eul.rpd
Migration log is saved at C:\Documents and Settings\chet\Desktop\eul.migration.log
Hi Chet,
For some more details, you can refer to the following document;
My personal expreriences:
The Metadata Conversion Utility is an accellerator / assistant. It does not provide you with an end product. There is some additional handwork requiered. It could be a risk when you copy an old Oracle Discoverer environment. Shit in is shit out. Last but not least; There is not yet a workbook migration utility.
Keep up the good work!!
Daan Bakboord
Thanks for the link Daan. I also found this one this one here.
I haven't gotten as far as you have, I just wanted to generate it to get something done. Hopefully by tomorrow at this time I will have some practical experience with it. I'll let you know the results.
Hi Chet,
Oracle migration utility only provides migration of Discoverer EUL to OBIEE rpd and well that too is or was not a useful utility when we tried to migrate our EUL. So we created the rpd from scratch and that is the better way of doing it i thought. Also there is no utility available for migrating workbooks to dashboards.
But Erpmax has Accelerators for migrating your Discoverer reports to OBIEE dashboards. Using Erpmax accelerators you can save atleast 50% off your development cost and complete building reports within weeks. For more information you can visit :-
Hope this helps!!
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