11g was quite different from 10g and possibly the biggest differentiator was its integration with the WebLogic stack. While I do understand that move, it certainly makes things a more complex in the short run.
So I'm up and running and have the first RPD installed (that's another post, deploying an RPD...joy!), then the change requests begin to roll in. When I would try to open the RPD in online mode, I was greeted with this challenge:

OK, I know the repository password, but I don't remember setting an Administrator password (that was the default username). I tried everything I could think of, Admin123, which is the repository password for the sample application. Tried password. Tried every variation of it. No joy.
In the interest of time (and pressure), I gave up and just decided to edit the offline and then deploy. I was the only one on this system so I wouldn't be affecting anyone. In hindsight, it would have been best to ask my question (or read the docs).
A day later 2 more people joined me to help nail down some reports. I couldn't bring the server down everytime I needed to make a small change, so I asked the Twitter Machine...as usual, it comes through.
Here's the response:

@siebel_ess's link took me to the documentation. @bsousapt's link took me to the 10g way of doing it, which is actually a good compare and contrast as I'm too lazy to show the differences.
Perhaps on purpose, the first link led me to this page:

I'm sure the emphasis, for me, should have been placed on the "Understanding" part of the title.
So first off, I needed to log in to the console at localhost:7001/console. From there I would look for Security Realms:

Since I didn't do any customization of the Security stuff (naturally), I went to the default "myrealm":

Then found Users and Groups

And selected New

The screen is pretty basic, just username, description (optional), Provider (DefaultAuthenticator for me) and the password:

Annoyingly to me, you couldn't add any other attributes, like Group Membership on this initial screen. So I saved, then clicked on the user and was taken to their settings page...where I now find Groups.

This is my account, so I chose the 3 Groups related to OBIEE: BIAdministrators, BI Authors, and BIConsumers

Easy enough.
Now let's try it out. Opened up the BI Admin tool and opened my online repository. Entered the repository password, my username and the password.
Voila! I'm in.
Just an FYI, I am a glutton for punishment. I deployed 20 some-odd times before I finally looked this up. While not the most efficient, it did sear the process into my brain.
Thanks, this helps me too.
But What is teh defautt password for Administrator?
By default, there is no "Administrator" user. During installation, the default user is "weblogic" and the password you enter during installation is the password you will use to access the RPD.
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