I had a requirement to automate running a set of BI Publisher reports using the corporate fiscal calendar. The problem with BI Publisher scheduler is that is uses the normal calendar and there is no way to integrate a custom calendar instead. So I had to choose between two options to solve this problem:
1 - Utilize BI Publisher's Web Services API using Java code.
2 - Utilize BI Publisher's Web Services API using PL/SQL code.
The first option was more popular, I could google it and I found some examples that I could start with. The problem is that I am not a big fan of Java, and last time I've done coding in Java was a few years ago. On the other hand, I love PL/SQL, and I've done web services calls using custom PL/SQL before, such as integrating to CRM OnDemand and some Online Payment Gateway, but the problem was that I've never done that with BI Publisher. So I had to google this option first and unfortunately I could find almost nothing regarding this, so I had to start almost from scratch. I found two documents that were helpful to some extent:
- BI Publisher Web Services documentation.
- APEX and BI Publisher integration example done by Tyler Muth.
- I created a variables table to store some parameters that may be different in different environments (Development, Testing and Production):
NS | xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="xmlns= |
REP_ABS_PATH | /National Sales/BIP Reports/DPI/ |
USERNAME | bip_service_acct |
BIP_PORT | 9999 |
Where 9999 can be replace by your BI Publisher port#, and can be replaced by you BI Publisher server. I am also encrypting the BI Publisher service account password using some custom encryption function that I won't demonstrate here.
- I created a utility package to handle web service calls in general, I tried not to make it specific to BI Publisher web services for reusability.
create or replace PACKAGE pkg_webservice_utl AS g_app_name VARCHAR2(50); FUNCTION make_request( p_appl IN VARCHAR2, p_url IN VARCHAR2, p_action IN VARCHAR2 default 'SOAPAction', p_version IN VARCHAR2 default '1.1', p_envelope IN CLOB, p_proxy_override IN VARCHAR2 default null, p_wallet_path IN VARCHAR2 default null, p_wallet_pwd IN VARCHAR2 default null) RETURN XMLTYPE; FUNCTION parse_xml ( p_appl IN VARCHAR2, p_xml IN XMLTYPE, p_xpath IN VARCHAR2, p_ns IN VARCHAR2 default null) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION clob_to_varchar2( p_clob_in CLOB) RETURN VARCHAR2; FUNCTION encrypt( P_STR VARCHAR2 ) RETURN RAW; FUNCTION decrypt( P_XCRYPT VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2; END pkg_webservice_utl; / show errors create or replace PACKAGE BODY PKG_WEBSERVICE_UTL AS ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Package WEB_SERVICE_UTL -- This package provides functions that can be used to -- invoke web services -- Example: Invoke web service call to run and schedule BI -- Publisher reports ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION clob_to_varchar2 (p_clob_in CLOB) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Function CLOB_TO_VARCHAR2 -- Purpose: -- This function coverts a clob to varchar2 -- Returns: The passed clob in varchar2 format ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ v_strt INTEGER := 1; v_chunk_size INTEGER := 4000; v_return VARCHAR2(32767) := NULL; v_err_return NUMBER; BEGIN IF DBMS_LOB.getlength ( p_clob_in ) > 32767 THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Parse the CLOB WHILE LENGTH (NVL(v_return,0)) <> DBMS_LOB.getlength ( p_clob_in ) LOOP v_return := v_return || DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR ( p_clob_in, v_chunk_size, ( v_chunk_size * ( v_strt - 1 ) ) + 1 ); v_strt := v_strt + 1; END LOOP; RETURN v_return; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --log the error in some error table return null; END clob_to_varchar2; FUNCTION make_request ( p_appl IN VARCHAR2, p_url IN VARCHAR2, p_action IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'SOAPAction', p_version IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '1.1', p_envelope IN CLOB, p_proxy_override IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_wallet_path IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_wallet_pwd IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN XMLTYPE AS ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Function MAKE_REQUEST -- Purpose: -- This function submits a web service call in HTTP request -- and utilizes the oracle package to construct HTTP -- requests and read HTTP responses -- Returns: The HTTP response (SOAP) in XML format ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE HEADER IS RECORD (NAME VARCHAR2(256), VALUE VARCHAR2(1024)); TYPE header_table IS TABLE OF HEADER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; v_request_cookies utl_http.cookie_table; v_response_cookies utl_http.cookie_table; v_http_req utl_http.req; v_http_resp utl_http.resp; v_hdrs header_table; v_request_headers header_table; v_hdr HEADER; v_clob CLOB; v_raw_data RAW(512); v_response VARCHAR2(2000); v_name VARCHAR2(256); v_hdr_value VARCHAR2(1024); v_line VARCHAR2(1000); v_status_code PLS_INTEGER; v_env_len INTEGER := 0; v_err_return NUMBER; BEGIN g_app_name := p_appl; v_env_len := v_env_len + lengthb(clob_to_varchar2(p_envelope)); dbms_output.put_line('v_env_lenb= '||v_env_len); dbms_output.put_line('Setting proxy'); utl_http.set_proxy (proxy => p_proxy_override); dbms_output.put_line('Setting timeout'); utl_http.set_persistent_conn_support(true); utl_http.set_transfer_timeout(180); -- 180 seconds -- set wallet if needed IF instr(lower(p_url),'https') = 1 THEN utl_http.set_wallet(p_wallet_path, p_wallet_pwd); END IF; -- set cookies if necessary IF V_request_cookies.count > 0 THEN utl_http.clear_cookies; utl_http.add_cookies(v_request_cookies); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Begining HTTP request'); v_http_req := utl_http.begin_request(p_url, 'POST'); -- set standard HTTP headers for a SOAP request dbms_output.put_line('Setting HTTP request headers'); utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'Proxy-Connection', 'Keep-Alive'); IF p_version = '1.2' THEN utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'Content-Type', 'application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8; action="'||p_action||'";'); ELSE utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'SOAPAction', p_action); utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Setting header length'); utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, 'Content-Length', v_env_len); dbms_output.put_line('Setting headers from v_request_headers'); --set headers from v_request_headers FOR i in 1.. v_request_headers.count LOOP utl_http.set_header(v_http_req, v_request_headers(i).name, v_request_headers(i).value); END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line('Reading the envelope and write it to the HTTP request'); -- read the envelope, convert to UTF8 if necessary, then write it to the HTTP request utl_http.write_text(v_http_req, clob_to_varchar2(p_envelope)); -- get the response dbms_output.put_line('getting the response'); v_http_resp := utl_http.get_response(v_http_req); dbms_output.put_line('Response status_code: ' ||v_http_resp.status_code); dbms_output.put_line('Response reason_phrase: ' ||v_http_resp.reason_phrase); dbms_output.put_line('Response http_version: ' ||v_http_resp.http_version); -- set response code, response http header and response cookies global v_status_code := v_http_resp.status_code; utl_http.get_cookies(v_response_cookies); FOR i in 1..utl_http.get_header_count(v_http_resp) LOOP utl_http.get_header(v_http_resp, i, v_name, v_hdr_value); v_hdr.name := v_name; v_hdr.value := v_hdr_value; v_hdrs(i) := v_hdr; END LOOP; v_request_headers := v_hdrs; dbms_output.put_line('converting the HTTP response'); BEGIN <I created a function that uses this utility package to schedule a BI Publisher report:> LOOP UTL_HTTP.read_raw(v_http_resp, v_raw_data, 512); v_clob := v_clob || UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(v_raw_data); END LOOP response_loop; EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_HTTP.end_of_body THEN dbms_output.put_line('End of body in response loop'); UTL_HTTP.end_response(v_http_resp); WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Unkown error in response loop:'||sqlerrm); return null; END; dbms_output.put_line('Response length: '||LENGTH(v_clob) ); dbms_output.put_line('HTTP response:'); FOR i in 0..CEIL(LENGTH(v_clob) / 512)-1 LOOP v_line := SUBSTR(v_clob, i * 512 + 1, 512); dbms_output.put_line('[' || LPAD(i, 2, '0') || ']: ' || v_line); EXIT WHEN i > 50 - 1; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line('Closing HTTP request and response'); IF v_http_req.private_hndl IS NOT NULL THEN UTL_HTTP.end_request(v_http_req); END IF; IF v_http_resp.private_hndl IS NOT NULL THEN UTL_HTTP.end_response(v_http_resp); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Converting response text to XML'); return xmltype.createxml(v_clob); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --log the error in some error table return null; END make_request; FUNCTION parse_xml ( p_appl IN VARCHAR2, p_xml IN XMLTYPE, p_xpath IN VARCHAR2, p_ns IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Function parse_xml -- Purpose: -- This function reads SOAP response content in XML format -- and parses it to -- extract certain response values -- Returns: A variable of varchar2 data type ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ v_response VARCHAR2(32767); v_err_return NUMBER; BEGIN g_app_name := p_appl; dbms_output.put_line('Parsing result from SOAP response XML'); v_response := dbms_xmlgen.convert(p_xml.extract(p_xpath,p_ns).getstringval(),1); dbms_output.put_line(v_response); return v_response; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --log the error in some error table return null; END parse_xml; END PKG_WEBSERVICE_UTL; /
show errors
create or replace FUNCTION fn_schedule_report ( P_REPORT_NM VARCHAR2 , P_FORMAT VARCHAR2, P _BURST NUMBER DEFAULT 1 ) RETURN NUMBER IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------***************----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function FN_SCHEDULE_REPORT -- Purpose: -- This function utilizes the WEB_SERVICE_PKG to schedule / run BIP Publisher -- reports through web service calls -- Returns: Job ID if sucess , 0 if failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------***************----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v_response VARCHAR2(32767); v_ns VARCHAR2(4000); v_url VARCHAR2(500); v_job_name VARCHAR2(500); v_report_name VARCHAR2(500); v_report_abs_path VARCHAR2(500); v_report_rel_path VARCHAR2(500); v_bip_server VARCHAR2(500); v_username VARCHAR2(50); v_password VARCHAR2(50); v_seq NUMBER; v_soap_env CLOB; v_xml XMLTYPE; v_burst NUMBER; v_err_return NUMBER; v_port NUMBER; BEGIN -- get web service paramerters from the BIP_WS_CONFIG variables table select trim(val) INTO v_ns FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG WHERE upper(attr) = 'NS'; select trim(val) into v_report_rel_path FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG WHERE upper(attr) = 'REP_ABS_PATH'; select trim(val) into v_url FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG WHERE upper(attr) = 'WSDL_URL'; select trim(val) into v_username FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG WHERE upper(attr) = 'USERNAME'; SELECT trim(val) into v_bip_server FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG WHERE upper(attr) = 'BIP_SERVER'; SELECT trim(val) into v_port FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG WHERE upper(attr) = 'BIP_PORT'; select pkg_webservice_utl.decrypt(trim(val)) val into v_password FROM BIP_WS_CONFIG where upper(attr) = 'PWD'; IF p_burst = 1 THEN v_burst := 1; ELSE v_burst := 0; END IF; -- set report name v_report_name:= p_report_nm; -- generate a new JOB id select bip_job_id.nextval into v_seq from dual; v_job_name := substr(v_report_name,instr(v_report_name,'/')+1 )||' #'||v_seq; v_report_abs_path := v_report_rel_path||v_report_name||'/'||v_report_name||'.xdo'; dbms_output.put_line('absolute path:'|| v_report_abs_path); v_soap_env := '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soapenv:Body> <pub:scheduleReport xmlns:pub="xmlns=http://'||v_bip_server||':'||v_port||'/oxp/service/PublicReportService"> <scheduleRequest> <deliveryRequest> </deliveryRequest> <reportRequest> <attributeFormat>'||lower(p_format)||' <reportAbsolutePath>'||v_report_abs_path||' </reportRequest> <userJobName>'||v_job_name||' <scheduleBurstringOption>'||v_burst||' </scheduleRequest> <userID>'||v_username||' <password>'||v_password||' </pub:scheduleReport> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>'; dbms_output.put_line('calling make_request function'); v_xml := pkg_webservice_utl.make_request ( p_appl => P_APP, p_url => v_url, p_envelope => v_soap_env ); v_response := pkg_webservice_utl.parse_xml(p_app, v_xml,'//scheduleReportReturn/text()',v_ns); -- v_response is expected to be a numeric value "job id" if the report is -- successfully scheduled, check if value is numeric IF REGEXP_LIKE (v_response, '^[0-9]*$') THEN dbms_output.put_line('Job ID:'||v_response||' submitted successfully'); return v_response; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Report Schedule Request Failed'); return 0; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- log error into some error log dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); return 0; END fn_schedule_report;
- Finally, I wanted to get the status of the scheduled report. This is a little bit tricky because I could not find a BI Publisher web service operation that returns this information. The only 3 operations that I thought may help were:
- -getScheduledReportStatus and getScheduledReportInfo operations: Only return info about a job that is still in the scheduler. Once the scheduled report is kicked off, it will be removed from the 'scheduler', so null will be returned.
- -getScheduledReportHistoryInfo: Always returned null, I could not figure why is that, but it may be for the same reason above.
- XMLP_SCHED_JOB: maintains information about scheduled jobs. Once a report is scheduled an record will be inserted into this table along with information about that job.
- XMLP_SCHED_OUTPUT: maintains information about running jobs (reports) or completed ( with success or failure) jobs. Once a report is kicked off a record will be inserted into this table along with information about that job. This is the table that we need.
create or replace FUNCTION FN_GET_REPORT_STAT( P_APP VARCHAR2, P_JOB_ID NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER IS ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: -- This function checks that status of a report by Job ID -- Returns: 0 if sucess 'S', 1 if failed 'F', 2 if pending 'C' ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------***************---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ v_stat CHAR(1) := 'C'; v_timeout NUMBER; v_duration NUMBER; v_err_return NUMBER; BEGIN IF p_job_id = 0 THEN --invalid job id return 1; ELSE SELECT status INTO v_stat FROM xmlp_sched_output WHERE job_id = p_job_id; END IF; IF v_stat = 'S' THEN -- success dbms_output.put_line('Report job# '||p_job_id||' finished successfully'); return 0; ELSIF v_stat = 'C' THEN -- Pending dbms_output.put_line('Report job# '||p_job_id||' is pending'); return 2; ELSE -- Failure or others like deleted, suspended..etc dbms_output.put_line('Report job# '||p_job_id||' failed'); return 1; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN --Job is not started yet, so a record won't exist yet in xmlp_sched_output dbms_output.put_line('Job# '||p_job_id||' is not started yet and record does not exist yet in xmlp_sched_output'); return 2; WHEN OTHERS THEN --log error in some error table return 1; END FN_GET_REPORT_STAT; / show errorsPutting it all together:
I created a Unix shell script that does the following:
- Call
FN_SCHEDULE_REPROT( P_REPORT_NM => 'Report name',- Pass the retuned value to function FN_GET_REPORT_STAT
P_FORMAT => 'Pdf',
P_BURST => 1 )
- If returned status from the FN_GET_REPORT_STAT function is 0 then return 'success'
- If returned status from the FN_GET_REPORT_STATfunction is 1 then return 'fail'
- If returned status from the FN_GET_REPORT_STAT function is 2 then loop every X minutes up to Y minutes (using the Unix sleep function) while status = 2 and check for status again as above ..etc